Big Belly Breathing

13.2 Bed Time Guided Meditation in Lisbon: Relaxation Theme

‱ Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely

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This is a BEDTIME MEDITATION focusing on the theme of Relaxation, and set in Lisbon, Portugal

Kids are guided into a very relaxing moment at home in their cozy beds, where they focus on their breathing while listening to an audio quiet time activity. 

This meditation can be used as a nighttime routine before bed is to help them ease into slumber land, or also before nap.

The Breathing Practice for this month is Diamond breathing.

Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan

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Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely.

As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits.

Healthy Habits = Happy Kids

While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate.

In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits.

These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults.

So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults!

And, there's now a sub series called "Cheese & Burritos" about lifestyle and cultural phenomenons in California and France! Eventually, this exclusive series will be only for subscribers. Enjoy the current unlocked episodes :)

Join her on IG @...

2. “A Starry Stroll Through Lisbon: Diamond Breathing and Nighttime Calm”

Good evening! Bonsoir and welcome to Big Belly Breathing, bienvenue to health! My name is Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely, and I’m so happy to guide you on tonight’s magical bedtime adventure through the enchanting city of Lisbon, Portugal. If you know, you know, but Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, is a coastal gem in southern Europe, where old-world charm meets vibrant culture, with its cobblestone streets, historic trams, and stunning views over the Atlantic Ocean. It is a place full of history, beauty, and wonder, and tonight, we’ll explore it together under the stars.

First, settle into your bed, get cozy under your blanket, hug your lovey or stuffed animal, and gently close your eyes. We’re about to start our journey, and we’ll begin with a special breathing technique called “Diamond Breathing” to help us relax and prepare. Imagine a diamond glowing softly in front of you, sparkling with a calm, peaceful light. As you breathe in through your nose, the diamond gets brighter, filling your whole body with its light. As you breathe out through your mouth, the light gently surrounds you, making you feel calm and safe. Let’s try it together. Deep breath in
 see the diamond’s light grow. And breathe out
 let that light cover you like a blanket of stars. One more time, deep breath in
 and breathe out.

Now, we’re ready to begin. Imagine you are standing in a beautiful square in the heart of Lisbon, surrounded by old buildings with colorful tiles. The cobblestone streets feel warm under your feet, and you can hear the soft music of a guitar playing in the distance. Above, the night sky sparkles with stars, and the cool breeze carries the sweet scent of orange blossoms. As you look around, you see a gentle river in the distance, reflecting the moonlight like tiny diamonds on the water. This is the famous River Tagus, and it will guide us on our adventure through Lisbon tonight.

As you begin walking toward the river, a soft fluttering sound catches your attention. A magical, glowing bird with feathers as golden as the sun flies down to greet you. This bird is your guide, and with a gentle chirp, it invites you to follow it through the city. Together, you and the bird stroll through the narrow streets of Lisbon’s old town, known as Alfama. The buildings here are painted in warm, cheerful colors, and the streets are lined with tiny cafĂ©s. You can hear the soft voices of people laughing and chatting, but the night feels calm and peaceful, just for you. 

As you stroll, you catch a whiff of grilled sardines, a beloved local dish, sizzling on the open flames of nearby stalls. The colorful tiles on the buildings reflect the warm glow of the streetlights, and the cobblestone paths lead you to breathtaking viewpoints overlooking the sparkling Tagus River. The magical bird leads you up a hill, and at the top, you see the grand **São Jorge Castle**. From here, you can look out over the whole city, with its red rooftops and winding streets. The view is breathtaking, and you feel the bird’s calm presence beside you as you take it all in.

Now, the bird leads you to the quiet, peaceful **Jardim da Estrela**, one of Lisbon’s most beautiful gardens. You sit down on a bench, and the bird perches beside you. Take a deep breath in, feeling the cool night air fill your lungs. Breathe out slowly, letting all your worries float away like clouds in the sky. In this moment, you feel calm, happy, and full of gratitude for the beauty around you. 

As you sit in the tranquil Jardim da Estrela, the fragrant scent of blooming jasmine and orange blossoms fills the air, wrapping you in a sweet embrace. The soft sounds of rustling leaves and distant laughter create a soothing backdrop, inviting you to relax even further. The bird hops closer, its golden feathers shimmering softly in the moonlight, encouraging you to close your eyes and savor this peaceful moment. As you breathe in, let the delightful aromas of Lisbon’s famous **pastĂ©is de nata**—warm custard tarts dusted with cinnamon—remind you of the city’s rich culinary delights. With each breath, feel your heart swell with joy for the flavors and experiences that make this city special.

Next, the bird guides you to the charming **Chiado district**, known for its lovely shops and cozy cafĂ©s. As you stroll along the cobblestone streets, the air is filled with the sweet scent of chestnuts roasting, a popular treat enjoyed on cool evenings. The soft glow of lanterns illuminates the buildings, creating a magical atmosphere as you pass by friendly faces and hear gentle laughter from families enjoying their night out. You find a quiet spot near the beautiful **Praça LuĂ­s de CamĂ”es**, where the bird encourages you to sit and take a deep breath. As you breathe in, feel the warmth of the city’s spirit surround you, and as you breathe out, let any remaining worries drift away, leaving you feeling calm and happy in this enchanting place.

Think of something or someone you are grateful for right now—maybe a family member, a friend, or something that makes you smile. Hold that feeling in your heart and let it grow, just like the sparkling light of the diamond we imagined earlier. Now, as you breathe out, imagine sharing that happiness and love with everyone around you. Feel the joy spread, just like the twinkling lights of Lisbon at night.

It’s time to return from our adventure, but before we do, take one last look at the peaceful city and thank Lisbon for this magical journey. Your bird guide gently flutters its wings and leads you back to the square where we started. The music is still softly playing, and the stars are twinkling overhead.

Now, take one last deep breath in, filling yourself with the calm of this beautiful night. Breathe out and let your body relax completely, ready for a peaceful sleep. Give thanks to your magical bird guide, and feel the warmth of Lisbon stay with you as you drift off to sleep. 

Goodnight, sleep tight, and let Lisbon’s gentle beauty fill your dreams. “Boa noite” and “bons sonhos”! đŸŒ™đŸ’«