Big Belly Breathing

11.2 Guided Visualization in Mexico City: Fun Theme

Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely

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This is a GUIDED VISUALIZATION focusing on the theme of Fun, and set in Mexico City.

Kids are guided into a relaxing moment either in the classroom or at home, where they focus on their breathing while listening to an audio quiet time activity.

They embark on a voyage and discover some unique features of this location.

The Breathing Practice for this month is Lightning Bolt breathing.

Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan


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Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely.

As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits.

Healthy Habits = Happy Kids

While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate.

In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits.

These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults.

So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults!

And, there's now a sub series called "Cheese & Burritos" about lifestyle and cultural phenomenons in California and France! Eventually, this exclusive series will be only for subscribers. Enjoy the current unlocked episodes :)

Join her on IG @...

1- Guided Visualization in Mexico City: "Zipping Through Mexico City: A Fun Adventure with Lightning Bolt Breathing" 


Hello there! Bonjour and welcome to Big Belly Breathing, bienvenue to health!

My name is Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely, and I’m so thrilled to lead you on this audio journey where we practice mindfulness and our special breathing technique.

This month’s theme is Fun, our breathing practice is "Lightning Bolt Breathing," and our guided visualization is taking us to Mexico City. If you know you know, but if not Mexico City is the beautiful and very large capital of Mexico, a country in Central America, and is surrounded by tall mountains and ancient volcanoes.

To begin, find a comfortable position and close your eyes. Become aware of the sounds around you, and begin to settle into your body. Take a deep breath in, filling your lungs completely, and slowly exhale, letting go of any tension.


Today, we are traveling on a magical journey to the vibrant and colorful Mexico City, where we will discover the energy of lightning bolts and the joy of fun adventures. Mexico City, the bustling capital of Mexico, is known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and delicious cuisine. 

Before we begin, let's practice a special breathing technique called Lightning Bolt Breathing. Imagine a brilliant lightning bolt striking down from the sky with each breath in, and the energy spreading out through your body with each breath out.

Let's start. Breathe in deeply through your nose as you visualize the lightning bolt striking, and breathe out through your mouth as you feel the energy flow through you. Continue this pattern for three more breaths, feeling energized and focused with each breath.

Now that you’re more relaxed, imagine you're standing at the base of the iconic Chapultepec Castle. This is not just any castle; it's a historic site overlooking the city. The air is filled with the sounds of bustling city life and the sweet scent of flowers from the surrounding Chapultepec Park.

As you begin to walk, you notice a path leading up to the castle. With each step, you feel more grounded and connected to the energy of the city. The path winds gently upward, and you take your time, feeling the strength and vibrancy of Mexico City beneath you. As you climb, you see the beautiful landmarks of the city unfold around you – the ancient pyramids of Teotihuacan, the magnificent Metropolitan Cathedral, and the lush greenery of the Bosque de Chapultepec. Your body is relaxing completely as you take in the sights all around you. 

Along the way, you encounter your closest friends, joining you on this journey. You feel the warmth of their presence and the comfort of their companionship. Together, you continue to climb, each step bringing you closer to the castle. The path is exciting at times, but with each other's support, you find the strength to keep going.

As you reach a plateau, you take a moment to rest. You and your friends sit down, feeling the solid ground beneath you. You take a deep breath in, drawing in the energy of the city, and breathe out, releasing any tension or worries. The air is filled with the scent of delicious street food and the vibrant colors of Mexican culture. Your mind drifts off into a haze of joy thinking of the wonderful tacos that are everywhere in this city, some with grilled meat, some vegan, and all with wonderful salsas and fresh avocado. 

You continue your ascent, feeling more connected and supported with each step. Finally, you reach the top, and the view takes your breath away. You can see for miles – the colorful markets with bright fabrics, the beautiful buildings, and the endless sky. From here, you can even spot the famous Palacio de Bellas Artes, with its stunning architecture inviting you to explore. You feel a profound sense of joy and accomplishment, knowing you have climbed this path with the support of your friends.

Take a moment to savor this view, breathing in deeply, and feeling the energy and vibrancy of Mexico City within you. Breathe out, feeling any remaining tension melt away. Imagine the lightning bolt breath energy flowing through you, just like the city pulses with life and excitement.

Now, as you begin your descent, you notice a path leading to the Zócalo, the main square of Mexico City. You and your friends decide to take a detour to this historic and bustling area. As you approach the Zócalo, you can see the people enjoying their day, the vendors selling their goods, and the joy of the city around you. You take in the sights and sounds, feeling connected to the heart of Mexico City. 

After exploring the Zócalo, you decide to visit some of Mexico City's other wonders as there is so much more fun to be had during this exploration of this sensational place. You wander through the Frida Kahlo Museum, marveling at the blue paint, beautiful artwork and colorful gardens. You visit the floating gardens of Xochimilco, taking a boat ride along the canals and enjoying the lively atmosphere. You hike to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, feeling the ancient history and power of the place.

As you make your way back down, take one last look at the vibrant scenery of Mexico City. Feel the energy and warmth within you, embrace the fun festiveness of this lively culture with music, dancing, smiles, and the peace that comes from this journey.

When you reach the base, take a moment to thank Mexico City and its special culture for reminding you of the energy and warmth in your life. When you're ready, slowly open your eyes and return to the room, bringing with you the joy and excitement of this special place.


Remember, whenever you need to feel energized and connected, you can return to this visualization and practice your Lightning Bolt Breathing. Thank you for joining me on this voyage to Mexico City. How do your body, brain, and heart feel now? When you engage in quiet time activities and focus on your breathing, you’re nourishing your whole self. Listening to these meditations is a fantastic routine to feel calm, build your strength, and let your creativity flow. Bravo.

You can do this type of activity on your own whenever you feel like you want to bring some peace into your brain, body, and heart.

Always feel free to send me an email to let me know how this made you feel or if you have any questions or comments. 

Have a beautiful and healthy rest of your day. 

Take BIG Care, see you soon and remember the BBB motto: 

Breathe Move Eat Rest 

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Thank you! Bye! Ciao!