Big Belly Breathing

10.6 Story Time: Chapter 4 "The Midnight Adventure in the Enchanted Hills"

Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely

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Welcome to STORY TIME!

On my YouTube channel BookNook, I read books aloud in English and French but here at STORY TIME, I say stories that I wrote using special words from our listeners, and always in both languages.

Today’s story is Chapter 4! Please see Chapter 1 in episode 7.4, Chapter 2 in episode 8.4 and Chapter 3 in episode 9.3 for the first parts of this tale.

This chapter is inspired by Teo and uses the words:  lightning bolt, shimmer, sheep, silver, and midnight.

If you’d like to contribute some words to a future story, please send me a message.

The theme for this month is Friendship, and the breathing practice is Mountain Breathing.

Intro/Outro music by Jef Shadoan

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Big Belly Breathing (BBB) is an audio program primarily for kids in English and French focusing on health and wellness, started by Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely.

As a teacher, a parent of bilingual kids & a yoga instructor/social emotional learner facilitator and holistic health & wellness coach, Vanessa wants to encourage children to thrive through establishing daily health habits.

Healthy Habits = Happy Kids

While listening, kids learn techniques to increase their creativity and attention spans. By practicing mindfulness, breathing, & gratitude kids experience mini-moments of deep rest that help them to reset, restore and recalibrate.

In today's busy world of multi-tasking, BBB is a place to help kids get centered, grounded and feel good. By practicing techniques learned here, kids develop their own self-care rituals, routines and habits.

These tools benefit their mind, body and heart health and set them up for greater joy in their present lives, and as adults.

So that kids aren't the only ones reaping these benefits, Vanessa has also included meditations specifically for older teens or adults!

And, there's now a sub series called "Cheese & Burritos" about lifestyle and cultural phenomenons in California and France! Eventually, this exclusive series will be only for subscribers. Enjoy the current unlocked episodes :)

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Hello, and welcome to Big Belly Breathing, welcome to Story Time. My name is Vanessa Hutchinson-Szekely. On my YouTube channel BookNook, I read books aloud, but here at Story Time, I share stories that I wrote using special words from our listeners. 

Today’s story, Chapter 4, is inspired by Teo and uses the words: lightning bolt, shimmer, sheep, silver, and midnight. If you’d like to contribute some words to a future story, please send me a message.

**Chapter 4: The Midnight Adventure in the Enchanted Hills**

Lily's adventures with the International Orange spice had become the highlight of her summer vacation. Each journey was filled with wonder and taught her new lessons about the world and herself. With a heart full of excitement and curiosity, she clutched the spice pouch tightly in her hand once more and whispered, "International Orange, show me a place of wonder."

In the blink of an eye, Lily found herself standing on a hillside under a midnight sky, with stars shimmering like diamonds scattered across a vast, dark canvas. The air was cool and crisp, carrying the fresh scent of the earth and a hint of wildflowers. The ground beneath her feet was covered in soft, dewy grass that sparkled in the moonlight, like a sea of tiny silver lights.

As she began to explore this enchanting landscape, a sudden flash of light caught her attention. A lightning bolt illuminated the sky, followed by the gentle roll of thunder. Despite the brief intensity, the atmosphere remained peaceful, almost magical. Lily felt a thrill of excitement course through her as she ventured further into the hills.

In the distance, she noticed a small flock of sheep, their woolly coats glowing softly under the moon’s silver light. They moved gracefully across the hillside, their gentle bleats adding to the serene ambiance. As she approached, one sheep separated from the flock and trotted over to her. To her surprise, the sheep began to speak.

"Hello, Lily. Welcome to the Enchanted Hills. My name is Teo," the sheep said in a friendly tone. "I’ve been waiting for you. Tonight, we have a special mission."

Lily smiled and nodded, intrigued by this new adventure. "What is our mission, Teo?"

Teo's eyes sparkled with excitement. "We need to find the Silver Star. It’s a magical star that appears only at midnight and has the power to grant one wish. But to find it, we must follow the path marked by the lightning bolt and face the challenges along the way."

With Teo by her side, Lily felt ready for anything. They began their journey, guided by the faint glow of the lightning bolt in the sky. The first challenge they encountered was a shimmering river, its surface reflecting the starry sky above. The only way across was a narrow, silver bridge that seemed to float on the water.

"Careful, Lily," Teo advised. "The bridge can be tricky. Trust your balance and keep your eyes on the other side."

Taking a deep breath, Lily stepped onto the bridge. With each step, the bridge swayed and rippled beneath her feet, as if trying to throw her off. Halfway across, a sudden gust of wind made the bridge rock violently. Lily’s heart pounded in her chest, but she focused on the far bank, her determination unwavering. Step by cautious step, she made it across, feeling a wave of relief wash over her.

Next, they entered a dense forest, where the trees seemed to whisper secrets to each other. The path was illuminated by the soft glow of fireflies, creating a magical atmosphere. Suddenly, the ground beneath them began to shimmer and shift, forming a labyrinth of moving roots and branches.

"This is the Forest of Illusions," Teo explained. "We need to stay close together and trust our instincts to find the way out."

Holding Teo’s woolly coat for reassurance, Lily navigated the shifting ground. The roots would twist and turn, trying to mislead them. At one point, they found themselves at a dead end, surrounded by towering, twisting trees. Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath, listening to the faint rustling of the leaves. Following her intuition, she led Teo through a narrow gap between the trees, finding the true path once more. Step by step, they navigated the forest’s tricks and illusions, emerging from the forest, triumphant and relieved.

Their next challenge awaited them in a dark, echoing cave, guarded by a wise old owl with piercing eyes. The owl's voice echoed through the cavern as it posed a riddle: "I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I?"

The cave's darkness seemed to close in around them, and Lily's mind raced. She took a moment to breathe deeply, the answer suddenly coming to her. "An echo."

The owl nodded, its eyes softening, and allowed them to pass, revealing a path lined with turquoise flowers leading to a towering, ancient tree. But the path was not free of danger. Thorny vines sprouted from the ground, trying to ensnare them with each step.

"We must be careful," Teo warned. "These vines are enchanted and will try to hold us back."

Lily moved cautiously, using her agility to dodge the grasping vines. When one vine wrapped around her ankle, she remained calm, remembering the strength within her. She gently but firmly freed herself, helping Teo avoid the same traps. Together, they persevered, reaching the ancient tree at the path's end.

At the base of the tree, they found a hollow filled with glowing scrolls. Lily picked one up, and as she unfurled it, she saw a map glowing with a magical light. Teo trotted beside her, eyes twinkling with excitement. "This is it—the map that will guide us to the Silver Star!"

With the map in hand, the duo retraced their steps through the forest. As they walked, Lily felt a sense of accomplishment and happiness knowing they were on the path to discovering the Silver Star. When they reached the edge of the forest, Teo performed a small spell, and a shimmering portal appeared, showing a hidden glade bathed in moonlight.

Lily looked at Teo with gratitude. She gave a gentle smile and then stepped through the portal, which closed softly behind her.

Lily felt a warm glow of satisfaction as she realized the power of kindness and the magic of friendship. Teo looked up at her and said, "Thank you, Lily. You've shown great courage and compassion. The Enchanted Hills will always welcome friends like you."

With a final wave, Teo trotted back into the forest, and Lily felt the familiar tug that signaled the end of her adventure. She whispered her farewell to the Enchanted Hills and closed her eyes.

When she opened them again, she was back in San Francisco, standing by the waterfront as the fog began to lift, revealing the golden glimmer of the morning sun. She tucked the International Orange spice pouch safely in her pocket, feeling more connected to the magic within her and the world around her.

Already dreaming of her next adventure, Lily knew that each journey was a step toward discovering the endless possibilities of her own spirit.